Spring flowers are beginning to bloom, the sun is shining more often and the days are getting longer - the spring cleaning season has arrived! Not only is this a time to declutter our spaces, we can also declutter our mind by clearing our minds, reducing negative thoughts and finding space among the mental chatter.

We can easily declutter the mind by using the concept of clean-slate simplicity in four easy steps.

The idea of clean-slate simplicity is rather simple. You take everything away and only return the items that are needed, as they're needed. Then anything left over can be donated, recycled or tossed.

To use the idea for the mind and our thoughts, set aside some quiet time where you won't be interrupted to allow yourself to go through this process of decluttering:

Write everything down
Start by clearing your mind of any "to-do" lists by writing everything down. You can do a full brain-dump here and write about anything that is on your mind; conversations that you want to have or ideas you want to retain. You may even wish to take time to journal, write an article or a quick email if that is what is needed to help you settle and let things go. Just be cautious not to get stuck here. You may wish to give yourself a time limit to ensure you move on to the next steps.

Identify any unwanted thoughts or behaviors
Next, do a quick inventory of any repetitive or negative thoughts and/or behaviors that you may want to let go. Then make a mental note or promise to yourself that you will not allow those types of thoughts or behaviors to return. Tell yourself that you will let them go and will only bring something back if it will be a positive addition to your life.

Enjoy the space and relax
Then, sit in silence or meditation for 10 - 20 minutes or longer if you wish. Knowing that you have written down anything you wanted to remember so now you can really relax. Letting go any thoughts or feelings that arise. Allowing the body to soften and the mind to settle, quietly observe any sounds, feelings or thoughts if they arise. Allowing the mind to calm and become quiet, enjoy the space you've created.

Only return thoughts that serve you
After you have sat in silence or meditation, deliberately set an intention to only allow thoughts, feelings or behaviors to return if they will be a positive addition to your life. Otherwise, let them go and enjoy the calm, clear mind you have created.

Just as any space in our home or work can build up clutter over time, the mind can become cluttered again especially if we have not created systems or habits to deal with our mental clutter on a regular basis. To sustain a decluttered mind, incorporate a meditation or mindfulness practice into your daily routine so you can regularly let go of unwanted thoughts or behaviors to keep the mind calm and clear.

Enjoy taking the time to declutter your thoughts to start off the spring season with a calm and clear mind.
